# run_assoc_test: this file simply takes data from a gwas file and runs a
# chi-squared test to determine if any SNPs are statistically significant.
# To use:
#   (1) cd to/the/directory/where/the/.ped/file/is
#   (2) save this python file in that directory
#   (3a) run using this command(rename file names as appropriate):
#       python pythonfile.py pedfile.ped output.txt > output2.txt
#       this will allow you to store the print statements in a file for later use
#       Note: the output can be whatever output format you choose
#   (3b)an alternative command is:    
#       python pythonfile.py pedfile.ped outputfile.txt 
#       this will display all print commands on the command line
#       Note: the output can be whatever output format you choose
# Mollee Jain, (TSRI-STSI Intern, Aug 2013)

###PLEASE READ#####    
#SCIPY: this file imports stats from the scipy module.  This allows us to calculate the p-value from a chi-squared test.  This needs to be downloaded before use of this file. For Linux Mint 15 Olivia I simply opened the Synaptic Package Manager and installed scipy. 

#TYPE OF CHI-SQUARED TEST: This program runs a chi-squared test as a 2X2 contingency table.  The calculated p-value is standard - the Fisher Exact Test and the Yates Correction are not utilized in the p-value calculation.

#DEGRESS OF FREEDOM:the degrees of freedom (df) for this test is 1.  If df for your sample is not 1, you will need to edit this code under the 'pvalue' function. 

#WHERE TO START: the numbers 6 and 7 indicate where the first pair of nucleotides are.  Change these numbers in the 'run' function if the location of the first pair of nucleotides are not at '6'&'7'.  To find the location of the first pair of nucleotides - print the line variable on line 122 and count (starting from 0) to see where the first nucleotide is

from sys import argv 
from collections import Counter 
from scipy import stats             #allows us to calculate the p-value
import math

#arguments to be provided
script, filename, output = argv
    #script - this file
    #filename - GWAS file (typically in .ped format; i.e. genotypes.ped)
    #output - file to write results to (in whatever format you choose; i.e. sampleoutput.txt)

to_file = open(output, 'w') #output file
first = []                  #a list of the first nucleotide of the SNP pair(ex.'C' in CG)
second = []                 #a list of the second nucleo. of the SNP pair(ex. 'G' in CG)
chi = []                    #a list that will help compute the chi-squared value
count1 = []                 #a list for the count of nucleotides (1st in the pair)
count2 = []                 #a list for the count of nucleotides (2nd in the pair)


### A function to split GWAS file to separate pairs of SNPS (ex.AG) ###
def split_snp(x,y):
    with open(filename) as f:
        for snpfile in f:
            line = snpfile.split(" ")   #split each line in .ped file by spaces
            firstpart = line[x]         #first nucleo. of the SNP pair
            secondpart = line[y]        #second nucleo. of the SNP pair
            first.append(firstpart)     #append first nucleo. to list 'first'
            second.append(secondpart)   #append second nucelo. to list 'second'      

### A function to calculate the chisquared value of a pair of SNPs ###
def chisq():
    #a count of whatever is in the column (i.e. count of how many C 
    #and G's are in the first column of the SNPs)
    firstcounter = Counter(first)
    secondcounter = Counter(second)
    if len(first) == len(second):    #a count of items in a row --
        total_row = len(first)       #the counts should be the same!
        print "Error: the length of each column is not the same."
    del first[:]                 #empties lists to allow for lists to be reused
    del second[:]                
    #setup for a chisquared with expected and observed values      
    for i in firstcounter or secondcounter:
        total_column = firstcounter[i] + secondcounter[i]       #gives total of counts
        expected = float(total_column*total_row)/(total_row*2)  #expected counts formula
        #(to see observed and expected values, print the line below:)
        #print i,firstcounter[i],secondcounter[i],"||",expected
        chisq = "%0.5f"%(((firstcounter[i]-expected)**2/expected) + ((secondcounter[i]-expected)**2/expected))            #calculation of the chi-squared value
        chi.append(float(chisq))   #appends chi-squared value to a list 'chi'
    return sum(chi)                #returns the value of the chi-squared test

### A function to calculate the p-value of the chi-square value of a SNP pair ###
def pvalue():
    chisq_value = float(sum(chi))                       
    print "CHI-SQUARED VALUE: " + str(chisq_value)      
    df = float(1)                                       #degrees of freedom - see NOTES
    p_value = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(float(chisq_value),df) #using scipy to calculate pvalue
    print "P-VALUE: " + str(p_value)            
    print count1,count2   
    significance = 1.0e-8       #alter this variable to output more/less significant
                                #p-values to the output file
    if p_value < significance:

####A function to run the whole program######
def run(x,y):
    with open(filename) as f:
        for snpfile in f:
            line = snpfile.split(" ")       #split each line in .ped file by spaces
            for i in range (6,len(line)-2): #loops over each SNP pair in the data set
                print "\n"
                #loops through the length of the gwas file to do a chi-squared test
                #stops when there are no further nucleotides
                if x != 6 and y != 7:       
                        print "PAIR ID: " + str(x) + " and " + str(y)
                        x += 2
                        y += 2    
                        del count1[:]       #empties lists to allow for lists to be reused
                        del count2[:]
                        del chi[:]
                    #signals the for loop to stop    
                #this starts off the loop at the first pair of nucleotides
                    print "PAIR ID: " + str(x) + " and " + str(y)
                    x += 2
                    y += 2    
                    del count1[:]        #empties lists to allow for lists to be reused
                    del count2[:]
                    del chi[:]

to_file.write(" Count of nucleotides in SNP Pair    ||| ")
to_file.write("P-Value      ||| ")
to_file.write("Chi-Squared Value")

run(6,7)        #runs the whole program.